The Beginning of "Material For PAS"

Hello to everyone. We are a group, of 3 enthusiastic students of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (Jorge, Adrián y Álvaro), ...

Thursday, 26 April 2018


Do you know the Russian belt or also called eccentric brace? Do you want to know what benefits it has? Do you want to know why it was so used in the injury prevention programs by the Barcelona players of Pep Guardiola? Keep reading…

The eccentric brace was developed in the former USSR for the training of elite athletes. With some modifications, it arrived in Spain in the 80s with Hans Ruf, coach of the Spanish athletics team, who also has his patent (Lloret, Peña & Heredia, 2014, Tarrío, 2016). TMR World ( is the official brand of the eccentric brace, and defines it as: "a means to develop the muscles of the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, lumbar and cervical eccentrically, this it is, in such a way that lengthening and muscular strengthening occurs simultaneously "(Lloret, Peña & Heredia, 2014).

Therefore, its main utility will be in relation to eccentric training, which as we know has a great importance in the recovery and injury prevention (see “Remember”). On the other hand, it is true that it has also been studied with isometric training and adding mechanical vibrations (vibratory platform), being an interesting proposal as a proprioceptive stimulus (Lloret, Peña & Heredia, 2014, Tarrío, 2016).

*REMEMBER! Read if you do not know what an eccentric contraction is:
  What is an eccentric contraction? (Lamas, n.d.)
(Ex = outside, centrum = center) Muscle tension is developed and at the same time the physical elongation of the muscle, as external resistance is applied to it. The muscle generates tension while increasing its length. An example of this contraction is during the lowering of the bar in the bench press. This type of contraction "slows down" movement and occurs frequently in activities of daily living such as going down stairs or a hill, where the quadriceps contract eccentrically slowing the knee flexion and allows to descend comfortably . They also occur frequently in many sports where there are changes of rhythm, changes of direction and jumps, slowing movement. It is in this kind of movement where most injuries occur.
So, why eccentric?
According to Tous (2005) there is a mechanism known as repeated bout effect, in which eccentric training plays a protective function of the connective tissue. Tous points out that after an eccentric training session and the subsequent full recovery that can be up to 6 days, the repetition of the exercise will cause less muscle damage than the initial, this is the repeated bout effect. In this way, the myofibrillar rupture threshold in the muscle will increase, and it will be able to withstand more load towards the stretch or toward the eccentricity. For this reason, eccentric training is currently integrated as an effective tool in the prevention of injuries.

And why has it been so used in the world of sports performance? According to Tous (in Lloret, Peña & Heredia, 2014) this material has a series of advantages that justify its use:

  •  It allows to work eccentrically for the prevention of injuries, focusing on the "problematic" musculature (anterior quadriceps rectus and the hamstring musculature).
  • Effective and safe training with low risk of injury, avoiding injuries by not requiring excessively high external loads that compromise the health of the spine ⟹ We know that the tension produced in eccentric contractions is greater than in concentric contractions, so we can get better adaptations with lower loads. This has been demonstrated in studies such as that of Da Silva et al. 2005 in which no significant differences were found in the muscle activation between the exercise with the eccentric brace with extra load of 20kg and the squat half with extra load of 70% 1RM.
  • It allows the complete extension of the hip, necessary to reach these tensions and actively involve the anterior rectus of the quadriceps. Thus, exercises with free weights, squats or extensions in press, do not allow such extension, which is necessary to achieve the correct biarticular function of said musculature.
  • Effectiveness-low price ratio. Low cost of acquisition and maintenance compared to other more expensive eccentric training devices such as isoinertial machines. In addition, being a relatively cheap material allows us to have more units to work with several players at once.
  • Easy to store and transport.
WATCH OUT! Keep in mind that the muscle tension requires a period of learning the technique, where the position of the body, the handling of the load (if used) will be essential to achieve each repetition efficiently. It is essential to have the advice of a qualified professional to follow a training program suited to the objective of each person. Eccentric training must be carefully planned if we want to achieve the best results without getting injured (Tarrío, 2016).

With a price of around 60-100€ ,we can also obtain this material in:
With the eccentric brace, 2 exercises are mainly performed, knee flexion-extension (squat) and hip extension (deadlift), although you can also perform more exercises:

Lloret, C., Peña, G., & Heredia, J. (2014). El “tirante musculador” como medio de trabajo neuromuscular - Instituto Internacional de Ciencias del Ejercicio Físico y Salud. Grupo Sobre Entrenamiento (G-SE). Retrieved 22 April 2018, from
Tarrío, H. (2012). Entrenamiento excéntrico con tirante musculador. BuenaForma estudio de entrenamiento personal. Retrieved 22 April 2018, from
Tarrío, H. (2016). El tirante musculador imprescindible en la prevención de lesiones. BuenaForma estudio de entrenamiento personal. Retrieved 22 April 2018, from

Post done and edited by Álvaro

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Encoders and Sensors

The encoder is a material of testing in sports, more specifically in strength training. Nevertheless, we have other devices like sensors for the same function. They are used to measure, directly, the speed which you move a bar or a dumbbell in a specific range of motion. These materials show you different important results for the training of athletes with the value of the speed and the weight of the barbell or dumbbell. These devices get the value of power, mean power and maximum power. Besides, it can stablish the intensity of the strength training with the decrease of the speed. Therefore, you can use this material for testing and for maintain the effort of the athlete and the intensity of the training. With this fact, if you are a coach or athlete you can stablish your levels of strength and your intensity in the strength training. Despite of the use of the encoder, this device presents other characteristics like:
  • Encoder has a rope to measure
  • Sensors are put the bar or dumbbell
  • Encoder are more difficult for its use
  • Sensors are easier for its use
  • Different prices: from 300€ to 2000€
  • Easy transport

In the next image, you can see the different encoders and devices which you can get in different online webs.

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Now, it is going to appear all the products of the previous image with the web where you can fin and buy them.

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Image without the license of Creative Common (Its URL:


Image without the license of Creative Common (Its URL:

Push Band


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In the next point, there are different videos in which you can see the way of use of encoders or sensors: 

Video without the license of Creative Common (Its URL:

Finally, there are different articles which show that these types of devices, used well in training, allow trainers and athletes improving their values of force. In the next URL you can find more information about these results and these devices:

If you want to keep the pdf of this post you can get it in this URL: 

Post done and edited by Jorge

Monday, 23 April 2018


Image extracted from the web

This material is relatively new on the market, had you heard speaking about it?

Before speaking about them we are going to remind 3 phases of movements that we can develop, that are:

1. Concentric phase, which we realize in opposition to the force of the gravity.
2. Isometric phase, exact moment that exists in the change of the concentric phase to the eccentric phase
3. Eccentric phase, which movement is in favour of the force of the gravity

Now, these machines isoinerciales consist of a set of mechanisms that accentuate the eccentric phase of the movement. They possess a few steering wheels or wheels of inertia which guards the energy that we produce in the concentric phase to return it in the eccentric phase. The function of the person will be to stop this force returned by the machine. Both machines isoinerciales more important are: 

1. Technology  YO-YO

Image extracted from the web

2. Conical pulley

This type of elements can be used both in physical activity and health and in the different sports. The first one of them will be more used in such sports as the football or the basketball and the second one will be more used in fitness and centres of physical activity and sports readaptation.

Now then, which are the benefits that this type of machine produces to me?

Firstly, fits to say that it is demonstrated scientific that an eccentric work improve the prevention of injuries, by what it is very used in different sports. In general, the benefits that this element can produce are:

1. It reinforces the connective fabric
2. It increases the threshold of break of the muscle
3. It increases the force at tendons

4. It favors the prevention and rehabilitation of diseases in tendons
5. Especially in football players it reinforces the hamstring
6. It improves the maximum voluntary contraction
7. To work the eccentric phase will favor the muscular hypertrophy

We meet different distributors of conical pulleys, but we are going to centre on the web page where we can find the following types with your respective prices:





PROSQUAT PROINERTIAL CON SENSORPrincipio del formulario (4 175€)
Final del formulario



The general characteristics to all of them are the following ones: 
· Structures reinforced aluminium
· Axis stainless steel
· Dial inertial + integrated cone
· Protection I dial inertial and counterweights
· Long pulley friction
· technical specific Rope
· Slider rope(string)
· Grasp traction hand / foot

Some of the exercises that we can do with this type of pulleys they are the following ones:

 You can get the PDF here: 

You can get the Power Point with exercise and types of machines here: 


Post done and edited by Adrián

Wednesday, 18 April 2018


A medicinal ball is a made ball of leather, rubber, plastic or latex with a few certain characteristics of diameter and weight. This material was begun to use in the 50s by a Swedish paediatrician and an English physical therapist which were using her as way for the patients' rehabilitation. This fact does not want to say that previously it should not use since any sportsmen  were using it in the antiquity as training for the JJOO. Therefore this material can be in use for the training of high performance as for the training of health.

The medicinal balls can be used to do throwings, to realize propiocepción on them in different positions or to use them in combination with other unstable platforms (bosu or fitball). 

When we are going to buy a medicinal ball we meet different weight, being able to say as a general rule that the least heavy balls are used to realize explosive exercises. On the other hand, the heaviest balls are used for loads and throwings.
Another classification would be it is formed, that is to say, first we are a type of ball that bounces very much in the soil, which is in use for explosive and fast exercises. On the other hand we have those who do not bounce, that are advised for bigger loads by more wide pauses between repetitions. To part of the renowned ones we can find balls with handles, perfect for trainings in sports as the tennis or the padel, being able to simulate the grasp of the racket.

The benefits that this material produces according to Propiocepció are:

1. I work of propiocepción, postural correction and balance

2. Improvement of the aerobic capacity and therefore of the cardiovascular system

3. Improve of the muscles, principally of the top train

4. It favours the work of force

5. It favours in addition the rehabilitation and prevention of injuries

We have different sports shops where to buy  this material but we are going to concentrate on We have the following variety of balls with your respective prices:

 Information extracted from the web

Some exercises that we can do with this material are:

Image extracted from the web:

Image extracted from the web:

Image extracted from the web:

Image extracted from the web:

One video of this material is the next:

Post done and edited by Adrián


Kettlebells are a form of free weights whose origin dates back to the beginning of the 18th century in Russia. In Russian they are called "Girya", and there began to be used to train soldiers. Their Olympic athletes have also used them since the 1940s. Later, they made the leap to the USA, where they are now trending in training (Pescador, 2012). And like any trend, the use of kettlebells has spread throughout the world and is nowadays widely used in sports centers.

Its shape resembles cannonballs (round), but with a handle on top and flat base. The main difference we find with respect to traditional dumbbells is their shape, since in the kettlebell the weight is not evenly distributed. This differentiating feature has important applications in terms of training allowing us to perform ballistic exercises such as swings and snatchs; and making it difficult to control movement, challenging our stabilizing muscles (Rodríguez, n.d .; Colomer, 2017; Pescador, 2012). However, this fact does not limit the range of movements that both can do: curl, press, pull, etc. (Colomer, 2017). In addition, when performing kettlebell exercises, our grip strength increases (Colomer, 2017). For all this and more, kettlebells play a very important role in functional training, because when using them, we use large muscle chains and activate the stabilizing muscles, training the body as a whole.

Currently, there are several companies that manufacture them in a wide variety of materials (cast iron, steel, rubber, filled with soft sand, plastic, etc.), shapes, colors and sizes (Rodríguez, n.d .; Colomer, 2017). Its main classification is based on the weight, and there are between 4-50kg, but there even with more kg for professional competitions. They have even released a kettlebell model with variable weight, being able to change it according to our needs without having to change weights.

*ATTENTION: One of the main drawbacks associated with their practice is the need for a great experience to perform the exercises correctly because a bad execution can cause injuries and damages in different parts of the body (Rodríguez, n.d.). In addition, when you train with them you are moving a lot of kg at a lot of speed, so the grip strength and the technique are key, because if miss the kettlebell, you can cause very serious damage to people, objects or surfaces in which you train.
But if kettlebells stand out it's really because of their advantages, although some of them have already been mentioned, the most important ones are:
·         Functional training
·         Ballistic training and Olympic movements
·         Grip strength
·         Affordable price:

As we have said, we can perform any exercise as we would with dumbbells, working both unilaterally and bilaterally. However, with the kettlebell, greater emphasis is placed on movements involving a large number of muscle groups, with the Olympic movements and swings being especially interesting (Colomer, 2017):

POWEREXPLOSIVE SWING: "Kettlebell Swing: lo que nunca te han contado"

SWING: “Kettlebell Swing”
CLEAN: “Kettlebell Clean”
SNATCH: “The Kettlebell Snatch”
If you want to know what more exercises can be done with the kettlebell, here is an infographic with some of them:

Colomer, J. (2017). Pesas Rusas o Kettlebells, Qué son, Cuáles son sus Beneficios y Ventajas - Blog de Fitness, Nutrición, Salud y Deporte | Blog HSN. Blog de Fitness, Nutrición, Salud y Deporte | Blog HSN. Retrieved 22 March 2018, from
Rodríguez, M. Entrenamiento con Kettlebell | Mundo Entrenamiento. Mundo Entrenamiento. Retrieved 22 March 2018, from
Pescador, D. (2012). Kettlebell: la magia de la pesa rusa. Transformer. Retrieved 22 March 2018, from
Post done and edited by Álvaro