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from the web
The ab wheel is
an exercise with enough difficulty for your correct development. The movement
consists of a flexo-extension of the anterior chain. It is an exercise that
generates certain instability, for what it needs of a great postural control
and in addition a correct activation of the stabilizing muscles, as the waist scapular
or the anterior serrate.
This work is considered to be similar to the work in suspension, since besides generating instability, we think that the load meets modified according to the levers you will articulate. Due to all these factors, we can say that the exercise thinks of risk for those persons that they have a low level of physical condition. For all this we are going to explain each of the phases:
1. Initial
positionà There is needed an activation of the abdominal wall and of the
lumbo-pelvic control. It is necessary to support the neutral hip during the
whole tour and a correct stability scapular.
Image extracted from the web
2. Range of motionà We slide the wheel towards ahead simultaneously that we support all the muscles of the abdominal wall of isometric form in order that they act as stabilizers. Also simultaneously there contract of eccentric form the flexors of hip and the scapular’s.
Some authors say that it is not advisable to use the whole ROM of the exercise since the shoulder would place in a potentially dangerous position. Others say that it is necessary to do the whole ROM in order that the exercise produces improvements.
Therefore some
of the most important points to bearing in mind according to are:
- Not to realize except that the person has advanced levels of force
- Against more separation of the knees, major stabilization it is produced
- To avoid to realize with speed the eccentric phase since it would force a stopped very aggressive and intense.
- Against more separation of the knees, major stabilization it is produced
- To avoid to realize with speed the eccentric phase since it would force a stopped very aggressive and intense.
And some of that we add they are:
- Must place the head between our arms and never look at the mirror
- During the whole exercise we must support in great isometric so much abdominal as buttocks this way to favour to the body as the only unit.
- Must do one good warm-up of shoulders, between others
- The column must be kept neutral, and even with a very slight trend towards the cifosis, which will help the correct execution of the exercise.
We can find this
material in different pages of sport, concretely in the web we find
the following types, among others:
Information extracted
from the web
Since we can see the normal range of prices it goes from 8-30 €. In my opinion,
the AB WHEEL BODY SCULPTURE is the best in relation quality - price:
Some of the exercises that we can develop with the abdominal wheel they are:
Image extracted from the web
Images extracted from the web:
In the following link we can see a very good video at the one that speaks itself on the abdominal wheel and all the topics related to it, do not hesitate to throw a glimpse:
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