The Beginning of "Material For PAS"

Hello to everyone. We are a group, of 3 enthusiastic students of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (Jorge, Adrián y Álvaro), ...

Tuesday, 27 March 2018


Image extracted from the web:

The term BOSU refers to " Both Side Up ". This material is composed by a semisphere and a flat surface which is supported in the soil. It was created as improvement of the fitball, since it had major usefulness on having diminished the difficulty and to allow to develop a more functional training. Because of it same with the BOSU we seek to work the musculature of global form.

It is a material that we can find so much in the world of the fitness, that is to say, in any gymnasium we are going to be able to find a BOSU and also we will be able to see it in activities as yoga or pilates. And also is used also in the world of the high performance in sports as athletics, tennis, paddle, basketball, and especially in sports of snow as for example skiing.

It is a material composed principally by latex. But inside these it is necessary to differ among several types:


The first one of them is most used in all gymnasium and directed classes. There has a diameter of 65cm, which facilitates the activities on it. It has a non-slipping base that does not leave fingerprint in the soil. In general, this almost indestructible material takes a few very good characteristics as a price of 137,99 €.

Image and price extracted from the web


Secondly, and as your own name indicates, this BOSU is chosen to be employed at our proper) house (it is not necessary to it to give a use so stressful as to be possible to give it the previous model). Your diameter is the same that of the previous one and has a less intense blue colour. East BOSU has a weight of 9kg. The price of this BOSU diminishes 112,99 €.

Image and price extracted from the web


Finally we have this model in the one that diminishes your diameter to 45-55cm, for what it is easier to transport. It can be used for any type of exercise. We it can find for a price of 89 €
Image and price extracted from the web

The benefits that it us is going to contribute to work with the bosu are the following ones:

1) There allows to work the propioception (if you do not know what is the propioception, do not hesitate to visualize this video:, which will improve the prevention of injuries and will increase the performance in certain sports. 

2) It helps to improve the postural control, favoring to the balance and the coordination between others. 

3) It allows to improve the physical condition of the person, helping to work the average zone (CORE)

In general, any person can train on a bosu (if before he has trained certain capacities on the soil, since if it he has not done it when I trained on this material it will increase the risk of injury. 

Some exercises of balance that we can develop with this material are:

And now other exercises at which besides the balance we have as aim be employed the resistance are:

In this video we observe a progression of exercises to be able to train on a BOSU:

Post done and edited by Adrián

Monday, 26 March 2018

Vibratory Platforms

The vibratory platforms are a sport material which can be seen in many fitness centres. They are used with different goals like improving fitness, performance and a state of a disease. Regarding with its use, it is necessary to know the mechanism what works. This is simple, the platform vibrates thanks of the waves sent by the software. Also, these waves are produced with a frequency, which can be shaped for increasing or decreasing the intensity of the exercise.
This type of material has a wide range of characteristics:
  • Be not much expensive
  • Difficult transport
  • Made with materials like plastic, rubber, aluminium and iron
  • Some of them has a support which you can stay balanced
  • Use them for different body’s parts

Like ergometers you can buy them on shops and online. Besides, you have a wide range of these with cheaper and more expensive prices. Nevertheless, their prices many times are in relation with their power or frequencies, which they can offer. So, if you want one of them you have to know what use is going to give. Next, you have different URLs of various vibratory platforms.

Regarding with their use, the most studied phenomenon is in relation with physical activity and health. It has been demonstrated that the use of vibratory platforms is useful for improving the state of people with osteoporosis. Besides, postmenopausal women can avoid the loss of muscular strength with this type of exercise. Now, you can see different videos about how use the vibratory platform.

Video without Creative Commons licence. It can be found in the next URL:

Video without Creative Commons licence. It can be found in the next URL:

You can see a Power Point of this post with this URL:  


  • Lirani-Galvão, A., & Lazaretti-Castro, M. (2010). Physical approach for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia, 54(2), 171-178.
  • Raimundo, A., Gusi, N., & Tomas-Carus, P. (2009). Fitness efficacy of vibratory exercise compared to walking in postmenopausal women. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 106(5), 741-748.

Post done and edited by Jorge


The TRX as a material, suspension training as a training method. There are a lot of sports centers that have this type of material and are increasingly.

But who invented it? Whose idea was it?
Andy Hetrick was the creator of this tool due to the needs of the US Navy Seal. The naval conditions in which the navy moved prevented the group from training with the necessary equipment to maintain an optimal physical condition. When this need was detected, Hetrick tied two parachute belts to a support to perform a battery of exercises where the body weight was the load to be mobilized (Rodríguez, n.d.). During the following months, Hetrick and his colleagues from the Navy SEAL were improving the invention and developing a series of exercises to work all the muscle groups. But really, the TRX brand was developed by Peter Holman as a training tool that could be used anywhere and anytime and by all kinds of people and his name is the acronym of "Total-body Resistance Exercise" (Rodríguez, nd) .
Thus, the TRX consists of an anchor with two tapes with handles and allows us to work in different planes through body weight.

Can the intensity be modulated?
The answer is yes. When working in suspension with the own weight (against gravity), we can modulate the intensity according to the inclination of our body. The more inclined we are, the greater weight we have to lift and therefore the exercise will be more intense.
We can also increase the intensity by adding weight to our body (using, for example, sand vests) or working unilaterally.

Fundamentally, the TRX serves to work force (in any of its variants), mobility and stability.
  • Functional training: when working with our own body, we can perform a large number of movements similar to those we perform in our daily life, activating large muscle chains and challenging the stabilizing muscles.
  • Great variety of exercises: movements can be made in all types of planes and axes, a factor that with the vast majority of elements used in training is very complicated or impossible to achieve (Rodríguez, n.d.).
        Cheap: we can find TRX for € 20 (although there are much more expensive versions):
        Usable in any place: thanks to its anchoring, we can train anywhere (house, park, soccer field, etc.)
        Easy to store and transport: it is a very comfortable material to carry since it usually comes with a bag where we can fold it and store it.

And what exercises can we do?
You can do a lot of exercises. Here we leave you a series of photos and videos with exercises that you can perform using the TRX:
 (Infographic about TRX exercises extracted from

STRENGTH ➤"The 25 best TRX exercises"
CORE "14 TRX Core exercises"


Rodríguez, M. TRX: Análisis del entrenamiento | Mundo Entrenamiento. Mundo Entrenamiento. Retrieved 22 March 2018, from

Post done and edited by Álvaro

Thursday, 22 March 2018


The ergometers are really machines which were used to assess the performance of some sports like row or cycle. Nevertheless, they are used to develop cardiovascular exercise in the present. There are different types according to the physical activity we want to do. So, the main are: row machine, jogging machine, stationary and elliptical bicycle, and upstairs machine. Three of them works if we apply force in them rotors producing power. On other hand, the jogging machine has an engine which you can put the velocity of your exercise.

Their characteristics are:
  • Expensive
  • Made with different material: plastic, iron and aluminium
  • Big size. So, they need a considerable space
  • Different types between the machines of the same type of exercise
  • Offer different dates: power, force, speed or frequencies
Where we can get them?
In first place, it is necessary to say that they are expensive, prices between 150€ and 10350€, and need space, where they can be put. Despite of this fact, there are a big number of fitness companies which sell them. Some of these companies are TechnoGym or GymCompany for example. And now we let you some URL where you can find ergometers:

Image of row machines with the Creative Commons license “Attribution”
Image of jogging machines with the Creative Commons license “Attribution”

Regarding of their benefits, the ergometers are mainly used to train cardiovascular function of people. So, you can improve the operation of your cardiorespiratory system. Besides, they are a great tool for increase the metabolic expenditure and for doing exercise like jogging when bad turn in the weather. Regarding the energetic spending, you have to know that the jogging machine is where you can burn more calories than in other machines. Instead of their use is quite easy, you have different videos of how use them. Video with Creative Commons Video with Creative Commons Video with Creative Commons

You can see a Power Point of this post with this URL: 

You can get the pdf of this post with this URL: 

García, M., Unit 13. The relation between training and cardiorespiratory aptitude. (Theoretical content of the subject “Physical Activity and Quality of Life) University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain.

Post done and edited by Jorge


Image extracted from the web

I am sure that you had heard speaking about it, truth?

The agility ladder is a material done in naylon and it's used to improve some capacities of the sports like speed, agility and coordination. These three capacities are very important for team sports as the football, the basketball, etc. Or for individual sports as padel, tennis …

Therefore, since we have just mentioned, it is a material that is used especially in the sports, although it is necessary to say that also they are used in fitness. According to the magazine RunFitners, this material presents 6 clear benefits, which are:

1) Improve coordination
2) Improve balance and stability
3) Improve agility and foots speed
4) Low weight, which facilities your transport
5) You can use it in any space (Pitch, court, track, etc.)
6) You can work different supports (monopodal or bipodal)

To the fact of which it is a material easy to transport we have to add your low price. We can find them in different web pages like Decathlon, Amazon, DonDeporte, Elksport, etc. With a range of price between 15-30 € (depending on the quality).

We are going to see the characteristics of a agility ladder bought in the page The price of this material would be of 30 € and your characteristics are:

Mark: Singular WOD
Weight: 2.6 kg
Large: 9m
Width: 48.5cm
Hollows: 19
Length of the hollow: 42cm (Adjustable according to the preferences of the trainer)
Width of the hollow: 45cm
Material: Synthetic fiber of high performance
Colour: Black/yellow
System of anchorage: It includes 4 pikes to fix the stairs to the lawn

Some exercises that we can do with this material are:

Images extracted from the web

Here I show you a video of exhibition of what it is possible to come to do with a agility ladder:

You can get the PDF of this post in this URL:

                                                                                       Post done and edited by Adrián

Thursday, 15 March 2018


Sliders are two sliding round discs in which each consists of two different faces. Its two faces allow us to work on any type of surface:
·         Plastic face for less slippery surfaces (carpet, synthetic artificial football turf, etc.).
·         Fabric or foam face for more sliding surfaces (parquet, hard floor, etc.)

Therefore, one face will act as a sliding surface in contact with the ground and another will not. Normally, the fabric or foam face is used to support the hands and the plastic face (which is the one that offers the greatest slip) is the one that slides on the floor.

But, what are the advantages of working with sliding discs?
This is what most people don’t know. By working movements on slippery surfaces, we start eccentric contractions to control the movement. That is, the muscle is under tension while extends (elongates) to stop the slider, because if it did not, we would fall.

*NOTE Read if you don't know what an eccentric contraction is:
  What is an eccentric contraction? (Lamas, n.d.)
(Ex = outside, centrum = center) Muscle tension is developed and at the same time the physical elongation of the muscle, as external resistance is applied to it. The muscle generates tension while increasing its length. An example of this contraction is during the lowering of the bar in the bench press. This type of contraction "slows down" movement and occurs frequently in activities of daily living such as going down stairs or a hill, where the quadriceps contract eccentrically slowing the knee flexion and allows to descend comfortably . They also occur frequently in many sports where there are changes of rhythm, changes of direction and jumps, slowing movement. It is in this kind of movement where most injuries occur.

So, why eccentric? (Lamas, n.d.)
According to Tous (2005) there is a mechanism known as repeated bout effect, in which eccentric training plays a protective function of the connective tissue. Tous points out that after an eccentric training session and the subsequent full recovery that can be up to 6 days, the repetition of the exercise will cause less muscle damage than the initial, this is the repeated bout effect. In this way, the myofibrillar rupture threshold in the muscle will increase, and it will be able to withstand more load towards the stretch or toward the eccentricity. For this reason, eccentric training is currently integrated as an effective tool in the prevention of injuries.
Thus, one of its greatest benefits is the ability to work eccentric force as a method of injury prevention, being an alternative to much more complex and expensive devices such as isoinertial devices or conical pulleys, used in elite professional clubs. But eccentric strength is not only a method for injury prevention, it is also good for hypertrophy, strength and power:
Another of its applications would be CORE training, since with the sliding discs we can create movements and instabilities to challenge said musculature.
Consequently, the "sliders" present a series of advantages:
  • Cheap⇒ Its price is very economical (€ 5-20), since the material is very simple:
  • Easy to transport and storeits dimensions (17.8 cm diameter) make it a very light material that is easy to transport and store, so you can use it anywhere.
  • Easy to usethe slider is placed on the floor and rests on the foot or hand. From there, we make the movement that we want.
  • Efficient with only one slider we can work intensely unilateral exercises. This will allow us that if we have a team, several players may be working at the same time or in the form of a circuit.
In case you didn’t know, there is another variant of this material that performs the same function but is a little more expensive, the sliding board:
It works in the same way as the sliders, by sliding. For this, the table incorporates socks or special boots to slide on the board.

Don't forget that we can also be creative and use a skateboard as a slider!
"Excéntrico de aductores con skate"  
To finish, we leave you several videos with lower, upper and Core training exercises with sliders:
o   “Eccentric Single-Leg Sliding Leg Curl:

Lamas, J. Beneficios del entrenamiento excéntrico y su eficacia en la prevención de lesiones. Retrieved 14 March 2018, from

Post done and edited by Álvaro