The term BOSU refers to " Both Side Up
". This material is composed by a semisphere and a flat surface which is
supported in the soil. It was created as improvement of the fitball, since it had
major usefulness on having diminished the difficulty and to allow to develop a
more functional training. Because of it same with the BOSU we seek to work the
musculature of global form.
Image extracted from the web:
It is a material that we can find so much
in the world of the fitness, that is to say, in any gymnasium we are going to
be able to find a BOSU and also we will be able to see it in activities as yoga
or pilates. And also is used also in the world of the high performance in sports
as athletics, tennis, paddle, basketball, and especially in sports of snow as
for example skiing.
It is a material composed principally by
latex. But inside these it is necessary to differ among several types:
The first one of them is most used in all gymnasium and directed classes. There
has a diameter of 65cm, which facilitates the activities on it. It has a
non-slipping base that does not leave fingerprint in the soil. In general, this
almost indestructible material takes a few very good characteristics as a price
of 137,99 €.
Secondly, and as your own name indicates,
this BOSU is chosen to be employed at our proper) house (it is not necessary to
it to give a use so stressful as to be possible to give it the previous model).
Your diameter is the same that of the previous one and has a less intense blue
colour. East BOSU has a weight of 9kg. The price of this BOSU diminishes 112,99
Finally we have this model in the one that
diminishes your diameter to 45-55cm, for what it is easier to transport. It can
be used for any type of exercise. We it can find for a price of 89 €
Image and price extracted from the web
The benefits that it us is going to
contribute to work with the bosu are the following ones:
1) There allows to work the propioception (if you do not know what is the
propioception, do not hesitate to visualize this video:,
which will improve the prevention of injuries and will increase the performance
in certain sports.
2) It helps to improve the postural control, favoring to the balance and the
coordination between others.
3) It allows to improve the physical condition of the person, helping to work
the average zone (CORE)
Image extracted from the web:
In general, any person can train on a bosu
(if before he has trained certain capacities on the soil, since if it he has
not done it when I trained on this material it will increase the risk of
Some exercises of balance that we can develop with this material are:
Image extracted from the web:
Image extracted from the web:
And now other exercises at which besides the
balance we have as aim be employed the resistance are:
Image extracted from the web:
Image extracted from the web:
In this video we observe a progression of
exercises to be able to train on a BOSU:
Post done and edited by Adrián