The Beginning of "Material For PAS"

Hello to everyone. We are a group, of 3 enthusiastic students of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (Jorge, Adrián y Álvaro), ...

Thursday, 15 March 2018


Sliders are two sliding round discs in which each consists of two different faces. Its two faces allow us to work on any type of surface:
·         Plastic face for less slippery surfaces (carpet, synthetic artificial football turf, etc.).
·         Fabric or foam face for more sliding surfaces (parquet, hard floor, etc.)

Therefore, one face will act as a sliding surface in contact with the ground and another will not. Normally, the fabric or foam face is used to support the hands and the plastic face (which is the one that offers the greatest slip) is the one that slides on the floor.

But, what are the advantages of working with sliding discs?
This is what most people don’t know. By working movements on slippery surfaces, we start eccentric contractions to control the movement. That is, the muscle is under tension while extends (elongates) to stop the slider, because if it did not, we would fall.

*NOTE Read if you don't know what an eccentric contraction is:
  What is an eccentric contraction? (Lamas, n.d.)
(Ex = outside, centrum = center) Muscle tension is developed and at the same time the physical elongation of the muscle, as external resistance is applied to it. The muscle generates tension while increasing its length. An example of this contraction is during the lowering of the bar in the bench press. This type of contraction "slows down" movement and occurs frequently in activities of daily living such as going down stairs or a hill, where the quadriceps contract eccentrically slowing the knee flexion and allows to descend comfortably . They also occur frequently in many sports where there are changes of rhythm, changes of direction and jumps, slowing movement. It is in this kind of movement where most injuries occur.

So, why eccentric? (Lamas, n.d.)
According to Tous (2005) there is a mechanism known as repeated bout effect, in which eccentric training plays a protective function of the connective tissue. Tous points out that after an eccentric training session and the subsequent full recovery that can be up to 6 days, the repetition of the exercise will cause less muscle damage than the initial, this is the repeated bout effect. In this way, the myofibrillar rupture threshold in the muscle will increase, and it will be able to withstand more load towards the stretch or toward the eccentricity. For this reason, eccentric training is currently integrated as an effective tool in the prevention of injuries.
Thus, one of its greatest benefits is the ability to work eccentric force as a method of injury prevention, being an alternative to much more complex and expensive devices such as isoinertial devices or conical pulleys, used in elite professional clubs. But eccentric strength is not only a method for injury prevention, it is also good for hypertrophy, strength and power:
Another of its applications would be CORE training, since with the sliding discs we can create movements and instabilities to challenge said musculature.
Consequently, the "sliders" present a series of advantages:
  • Cheap⇒ Its price is very economical (€ 5-20), since the material is very simple:
  • Easy to transport and storeits dimensions (17.8 cm diameter) make it a very light material that is easy to transport and store, so you can use it anywhere.
  • Easy to usethe slider is placed on the floor and rests on the foot or hand. From there, we make the movement that we want.
  • Efficient with only one slider we can work intensely unilateral exercises. This will allow us that if we have a team, several players may be working at the same time or in the form of a circuit.
In case you didn’t know, there is another variant of this material that performs the same function but is a little more expensive, the sliding board:
It works in the same way as the sliders, by sliding. For this, the table incorporates socks or special boots to slide on the board.

Don't forget that we can also be creative and use a skateboard as a slider!
"Excéntrico de aductores con skate"  
To finish, we leave you several videos with lower, upper and Core training exercises with sliders:
o   “Eccentric Single-Leg Sliding Leg Curl:

Lamas, J. Beneficios del entrenamiento excéntrico y su eficacia en la prevención de lesiones. Retrieved 14 March 2018, from

Post done and edited by Álvaro

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